The continuing education requirements for regular and associate MCI members are 3 hours beginning the first renewal year. Possible educational opportunities are as follows:
Members are exempt from the requirement during their first year of membership. The continuing education requirements commence with the start of the first renewal year.
Hours may be met as follows:
1. By each hour in attendance at a program sponsored by a recognized mediation professional organization (MCI, WAM, ACR, AFCC, etc.)
2. By each hour in attendance at a continuing education program by any other professional organization, to the extent that the presentation relates to mediation (e.g. ISBA, NASW, CLII, etc.)
3. By each hour in attendance at a program approved by a local court to meet a continuing education requirement for court approved mediators.
4. By each hour in attendance at a program approved by a college or university dealing with mediation (e.g. the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Pepperdine, etc.)
5. Participation in Internet-based training, with submittal of information on the training (see e.g. University of Wisconsin-Madison,
6. Case consultation by a referral member of MCI or an advanced practitioner member of ACR. The member requesting the consultation will receive 1 hour for each hour of consultation. The consultant will receive ½ hour for each hour of consultation.
7. Presenting, training, or coaching on a mediation topic to one of the organizations in paragraphs 1-3 above, or to any appropriate other group on a mediation topic, provided however that repeat presentations on the same topic will not be approved for credit.
8. Other appropriate continuing education, at the discretion of the Board of Directors. (The Board may grant partial hours of credit for certain activities: e.g. reading or writing on a mediation topic, if approved, might not be approved on an hour-for-hour basis, but on a reduced basis).